Notice of Complaint Proceeding
Attached is the latest correspondance from the BC Human Rights Tribunal (HRT). Our complaint has now been serverd on the Province of B. C..
The HRT wants to know when we are available to meet for a Settlement Conference and that is the next stage in this process. We will keep you up to date on the process via Monthly Meetings and Email.
At our 2019 December 17th monthly meeting I made the following resolution:
That the KFFA resolve to see our HR Complaint regarding access to Paul Lake to a successful conclusion.
Seconded by: Your committee member Sinc Dalgleish
Carried unanimously by our Membership.
This resolution was forwarded to our Case Manager Carla Kennedy on 2019 December 18th.
Leonard Piggin
on behalf of your Committee Sinc Dalgleish & Terry Garbutt
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