Letter to Wholesale Sports regarding fly tying material
At the bottom is Aaron Bisson's (Manager Kamloops) response to letter as sent out by our Vice-President Tracy Murdoch. Our response is below.
Len Piggin President KFF
Morning Aaron,
Below is a listing of the Tread and Wire.
The comment that came back from the guys was “Can we do this for other items” such as;
Mustad Hooks, Tiemco Hooks (Gamakatsu Hooks are too expensive), Flashabou, Seal Fur (Imi seal fur) among other items.
We really appreciate your quick response. Len Piggin President KFF (I cc’d my Executive).
Thread Code
Black 100
Tan 041
Light Tan 040
Brown 047
Brown Olive 091
Dark Brown 073
Fluorescent Chartreuse 509
Fluorescent Green 504
Fluorescent Yellow 502
Fluorescent Orange 505
Gray Brown 143
Light Olive 060
Olive 089
Olive Green 169
Rusty Brown 051
Watery Olive 290
Wine 052
Yellow Olive 061
Purple 092
Red 056
The most common size for UTC thread is 70 denier. The 140 denier is thicker and useful for large patterns, I think the colours Black, Dark Brown, Olive, Rusty Brown and Wine would be useful in 140 denier.
UTC Wire Code Size
Gray 030 TSW1 (small)
Copper 033 TSW0/TSW1 (x-small/small)
Brown 047 TSW1
Wine Metallic 052 TSW0/TSW1/TSW2
Red Metallic 056 TSW0/TSW1/TSW2
Green Metallic 072 TSW1
Olive 089 TSW0/TSW1
Purple 092 TSW1
Black 100 TSW0/TSW1/TSW2
Amber 120 TSW1
Sculpin Olive 141 TSW1
Golden Olive 166 TSW1
Chartreuse Metallic 173 TSW0/TSW1
Gold 250 TSW0/TSW1/TSW2
Silver 252 TSW0/TSW1/TSW2
Blue Metallic TSW1
Rust TSW1 TSW2
From: Aaron Bisson [mailto:Aaron.Bisson@wholesalesports.com]
Sent: January 13, 2017 5:51 PM
To: lpiggin
Subject: RE: UTC thread and Wire top sellers
Hi Leonard,
We have an opportunity to pick the top sellers of UTC thread and wire and the office is going to buy extra of these top colors/sizes.
Can you put together a list of the top 24 colors that we would sell in our market.
If you could email it back to me by Monday that would be terrific?
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