Ruddick's Launch

This annoucement was made by Kathy Ruddick,

I am thrilled to announce that a Fund has been created in partnership with BC Parks in Malcolm’s name to repair and upgrade the NE boat launch at Roche LakeProvincial Park.

It will be named “Ruddick’s Launch” and tax-deductible donations can be made in the amount of $25 or more paid directly to the BC Parks.

It will take 1 – 2 years to complete and we will be working closely with BC Parks during the process.  Upon completion a brass plaque will be at the launch commemorating Malcolm.

I am ecstatic about this project and I know Malcolm would be honored.  I will be personally contributing to assist funding the project knowing everyone, including myself, will enjoy the new and improved Launch.

A special thank-you to our dear friends Brian Chan, Dale Freschi and Ted MacDonald who helped make this idea come to fruition.

Please know that by dedicating this project to this park and purpose, BC Parks is only permitted to spend the donations on this specific project. 

If anyone would prefer to mail in a cheque to make their donation, here are the instructions:

Cheques payable to: Minister of Finance (In the note line it should say “Roche Lake-Ruddick’s Launch # 299716)

Please mail these to:

BC Parks 

c/o Manager of Marketing and Community Engagement

4th floor, 2975 Jutland Road

Victoria BC V8W 9M9