Last night (September 12th) we had our monthly meeting with twenty six Members attending. Guest Speaker was Andrew Klassen Senior Fisheries Biologist Region 3. His main topic was Winter Kill as well as other topics. At the end of the meeting Leonard Piggin President gave his presentation on Remembering Hermann Fischer. The text follows.
As President of the Kamloops Fly Fishers Association (KFFA) my/our motto has been “Members helping Members”. Hermann exemplified this to a “T”. Hermann would present at all of our Fly Tying 101/Method Sessions if I let him but our Club is about all Members helping Members. When Hermann tied flies he would not only tie the fly but provide us with some humor.
Herman was a Creative & Innovator fly tier and when presenting he would bring the material for tying the fly for everyone attending. He never asked for any money…he gave freely of his knowledge and expertise. He gave tools, materials and his insights to his fly patterns freely. Hermann just didn’t tie a fly he explained how & where to use the pattern. He wanted you to be successful that was his reward.
When Hermann spoke everyone listened he had command of the floor whether it was giving a tip to the Members at a Monthly Meeting or during a break at one of our Fly Tying 101/Method Sessions.
Contemporary Fly Patterns of B. C. by Art Lingren page 57-60 are presented by Hermann. I know he was Fly Tier of the year in B. C.
Hermann was an Honorary Member of the KFFA which is the highest honour to be bestowed on a Member
Because Hermann was not selfish with his knowledge our Fly of the Month award given by the President to a Member of the Club monthly will be renamed the “Hermann Fischer Fly of the Month” award. This award is given for many different reasons but the main reason it is give is to say thank you to someone who gives their time and expertise freely by helping people.
The KFFA will miss Hermann Fischer and the fly fishing community will miss him.
Tight lines.
The first picture is a group photo of all the KFFA Members that attended our dinner meeting with me holding the “Hermann Fischer Fly of the Month” award.
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