Photo Galleries
Awards Dinner
Submitted by jbowers on Sun, 2024-03-24 15:45The President’s Award – 2023 – Wayne Deptuck.
Awarded by the President to the KFFA Member the President believes has contributed specially to the aims and objectives of the KFFA.
The recipient this year is like my right hand man especially when it comes to computer information I/we wouldn’t be where we are today without Wayne Deptucks involvement. Whenever I have a question Wayne is just a text or email away. He’s also been an Executive Member and commanded our Members attention during his Fly Tying 101/Method Session on his fleeing Shrimp
Fly Tying 101/Method Session
Submitted by lpiggin on Tue, 2024-03-05 21:34March 5th was Fly Tying 101/Method Session night. We had fourteen Members attend. Wayne Deptuck & John Bowers went over resetting your Password and Fishing Reports on our Website. After that Sheldon Guertin tied three Chrony patterns. Our Toonie draw ending up being a $5.00 draw as no one had toonies lol. Eight draws were made Chrony patterns tied by Sheldon Guertin & Andrew Hall. Thanks. Tight lines. Link to Video
Brian and Dale's Blob presentation
Submitted by jbowers on Thu, 2024-02-29 11:17We had a great Fly Tying 101/Method Session on Monday February 26th with over 30 Members attending a presention on Blobs by Brian Chan & Dale Freschi from SFOTF. Brian gave a Powerpoint presentation on Blobs then tyied the patterns in the photograph. Dale showed several videos' of Trout taking Chronies (real & imitations) as well as Blobs. Tight lines. Len Piggin
February monthly meeting
Submitted by lpiggin on Wed, 2024-02-21 21:03Great monthly meeting at the Shanghai Mandarin Restaurant with thirty one Members attending. The Hermann Fisher Fly of the Month award went to Don Trethewey and Neil Whitmore who donated books and fly tying materials for Members. Members helping Members. Topics were;
Bahamas planning update. November 20th to December 3rd tentatively.
Fly Tying 101/Method Session February 26th
Fly Casting Lessons with Drew Always April 6th
RAAT Meeting –
November Monthly Meeting
Submitted by lpiggin on Wed, 2023-11-15 14:18At our November Monthly Meeting we had our Annual General Meeting and Elections. Twenty two Members attended the dinner and three more came after the dinner. The Hermann Fischer Fly of the Month award was given to Richard Bailey for our Rod Building Casting Session. Members were allowed to cast fly rods that were wanting to build at our up coming Rod Building Sessions. It was a great session...Thanks Richard.
I would like to thank our Out Going Executive Carey Miggins (not in the picture), John Bowers, Wayne Deptuck, Gene Ebata, Al McLean & Gil Schiller.
Jacko Lake fishout
Submitted by lpiggin on Sun, 2023-10-15 14:18We had a great fishout at Jacko Lake on Saturday October 14th. A dozen Members attended and it was really nice to see the boats anchored together and the Members bantering back and forth. A special thank you goes out to our Smokie Chef Gene Ebata who didn’t fish in the morning arrived there with all the lunch goodies and had them cooked when we came off the lake. It seems shrimp, gomphus were two of the most successful patterns. I lost one on a blob and had several bumps. Everyone had action…some more than others…but we all had a great time. Tight lines. Len
Hermann Fischer Fly of the Month Award
Submitted by lpiggin on Sun, 2023-10-15 14:15The WFFC was a huge success and our club helped out with that. At our October monthly meeting the Hermann Fischer Fly of the Month award was given to those Members that volunteered at the WFFC. Two people that aren’t in the picture are Todd Oishi & Carey Miggins. Thanks for Volunteering.
September 16th Fishout at Edith Lake
Submitted by lpiggin on Tue, 2023-09-19 09:54Fishout was held at Edith Lake on September 16th after the 2023 Masters & Ladies World Fly Fishing Championship Controllers training session. We had nine Members attend the training session and nine attend the fishout. Todd Oishi conducted the training session. It was a tough day of fishing with very few fish caught.
Fishout Edith Lake September 2023
Submitted by jbowers on Mon, 2023-09-18 11:43Wow fishing was great, catching not so much. Combined a fishout with training for the world masters fly fishing.
Here are a few photos from the day
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