Roche Lake fishout -Monday May2nd
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 2016-05-08 13:40Boys Boats and Rods - Life on the water!
photos by G. Wycherley
Boys Boats and Rods - Life on the water!
photos by G. Wycherley
Our fishout at Roche Lake was great with fantastic weather thanks goes Syd Krutop for picking the right date. Hamburgers for lunch both days. Checkout the fishing reports to find out how everyone did. Al McLean, Syd Krutop & Len Piggin camped over night. This was beneficial as we got an early start fishing on Monday morning. Sunday we had a dozen people attend and eight on Monday.
I was one of the lucky ones that made it to the fly casting lessons with Dan McCrimmon on April 23. Sure glad I went and it was great to meet new people. Also learned lots from Dan and hoping that another outing like this one will happen next year.
We had 31 people attend the meeting. There were two new Members Jim Harrison & Lesli Deptuck (not there). We discussed the fishouts, fly casting, Corbett Lake fishout. This website is one year old and review of it occurred. Hermann Fischer was the Entertainment tying Balanced Leech & Dragon Fly patterns. Stan Ashbee won the 50/50. Paul Lake boat launch is to be completed May 16th. The Membership was thanked for participating in the questionnaire and that the Executive will dicuss it with the Members at the May meeting.
Fly of the Month was given for two different items;
Thursday April 7th was our Rod Building Wind Up at Al & Marilyn McLean's. Weather was excellent couldn't have picked a better day.The last photograph in this sequence shows a majority of the completed rods. The other photographs show some of the procedures that were not depicted before. The following people built rods Al & Marilyn McLean, Gord Bacon, Harold Braun, Dan Sargent, Daniel Campone, Don Trethewey, Finlay Sinclair, Gil Schiller, Jim Campbell, John Bowers, Tracy Murdoch, Rich Perszon, Wayne Deptuck & Ryan ;Beccherini.
We had 27 Members at our March monthly meeting. The Fly of the Month Award went to Gene Ebata, Stan Ashbee & Sandy MacDonald who are the people that I have relied on to do the 50/50 draws during our meeting. The second Fly of the Month Award went to Tracy Murdoch for her Belize fishing report. The two main topics at the meeting were;
In the middle of March 2015 I was one of many KFF and KDF&GC Members that planted willow twigs with School #73 Students. About a week ago I had some spare time in the afternoon and as you can see by the photographs the weather was nice so I decided to check out our work. I took some photographs and have attached them to this report. Thanks goes to Sandy MacDonald for organizing the work party and submitting the funding request..
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