Fly Tying - Caddis Pupae
Submitted by tculver on Sat, 2020-03-21 08:53Here is an easy and super effective caddis pattern, enjoy.
Taylor Culver / CEO
The 3 Fly Fishing Co.
250 320 6905
Here is an easy and super effective caddis pattern, enjoy.
Taylor Culver / CEO
The 3 Fly Fishing Co.
250 320 6905
Tonight (January 13th) we had 17 Members attend our Fly Tying session in -30 temperatures pretty awsome. On Januaary 27th Hermann Fischer will be tying Chironomid Patterns. Tight lines everyone. Leonard Piggin
Good Day for a Fishout
Weather was good not to hot not to cool
Bruce Gumell receiving the fly of the month for BBQing at the Red Lake fishout even though he wasnt going fishing.
Members were also made aware of the possible dues increase do to the BCWF costs. More discussion at the October meeting.
Another Reminder that meeting will now Start at 6pm (dinner) 6:45 meeting will begin
Saturday August 24th turned out to be a great day at Ross Moore Lake. Fourteen Members attended. Biggest fish were caught by John, Lance and Doug. Check out fishing reports for more details.
Thanks to our Burger Chef Bruce Gemmell and Jim Campbell for the pop and watermelon.
Great day was had by all.
Tight lines.
Leonard Piggin
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