Fly of Month award
Submitted by jbowers on Thu, 2019-02-21 12:41At the February meeting the fly of the Month was awarded to Jim Campbell for all the work he has done on the new logo to be used for decals and hats
At the February meeting the fly of the Month was awarded to Jim Campbell for all the work he has done on the new logo to be used for decals and hats
Monday night we had 29 attend our second Chironomid fly tying session we all learned a lot.
Great session with Gil Schiller tying several Chironomid fly patterns. Thanks Gil.
Video is here
Thanks to Hermann Fischer for providing Fly Tying information.
Also a reminder to check out Tips & Tricks for information on deceifying Fly Hook packages.
Tight lines.
Thirty Members attended our Monthly Meeting and Annual General Meeting.
Fly of the month went to the retiring Executive: Leonard Piggin, John Bowers, Harold Braun, Bob King Directors: Carey Miggins, Jim Campbell, Gil Schiller, Syd Krutop, Wayne Deptuck, Darren Clark, Tony Carlucci and Taylor Culver.
Our new Executive John Bowers, Taylor Culver, Harold Braun and Carey Miggins Directors: Bruce Gemmell, Jim Campbell, Neil Whitmore, Syd Krutop, Steve Pushak, Bernie Reddick.
Our monthly meeting on Tuesday October 16th was attended by 27 Members and one New Member. Dinner was by Rueben's and it was Schnitzel, Beans, Salad, Potatoes and Desert. Excellent meal.
Taylor Culver received the Fly of the Month award for two reasons; Taylor Culver for great representation of the fly club at competition and Largest fish caught (Morgan Lake 26 inches long).
Entertainment was Richard Bailey & Mike Doutaz talking about their fly fishing trip to Belize March 2018. Great presentation.
Great meeting tonight with 25 Members attending. Catered to by Moon Wok as usually great Chinese food.
Fly of the month went to George Wycherley for waiting out the hail and rain on Edith Lake before going fishing, Scott Wambolt for have a fish jump into his boat and Neil Whitmore for helping a new Angler at Community Lake.
Sinc Dalgleish quiz on Loons was very interesting and we all learned something.
Mike Doutaz talked about our up coming Rod Building session and after the meeting we got to cast the rods that can be made.
Jim Campbell organized a fishing trip for two members of the Winnipeg Handicapped Wheelchair Rugby Players. We decided to take them to Edith Lake for the evening bite and they throughly enjoyed the trip. When they travel they usually only see the hotel and their venue so they enjoyed the drive and the outing at Edith Lake. There were fishing moving but we didn't catch anything and didn't see anyother Anglers catch fish.
Carey and I arrived at the Knutsford Hall at 7:15 am to wait for Neil & John as they had never been to Ross Moore Lake. We were fishing on the lake at 8:30 am and tried several locations. Noon was time for the famous KFF Burgers. John was on the bar b que and they tasted great. We talked about our fishing expierances in the morning. The only person not in the photo is myself and Gil Schiller. Carey and I didn't fish after lunch and proceeded home through McConnell Lake. This is the second time I had driven this way home and the road is very good.
Ninteen members attended the meeting. Entertainment was fly casting video.
Fly of the month to Bruce Gammel for his fishout report.
Fly of the month to Barry Corbet and his volunteers Stan Ashbee & Sandy MacDonald and others who didn't attend the meeting.
Fly of the month to KDF&GA for Fathers Day fishout at Walloper Lake Barry Zunti and Sandy MacDonald represent all the volunteers that assisted from our club and the KDF&GA.
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