From: Sandy MacDonald Sent: February 7, 2017 10:29 AM To: Verne Sundstrom; Glenn Dreger; Subject: Fwd: Synopsis from the 2017 draft Integrated Fisheries Mgt. Plan (IFMP) Begin forwarded message: Verne, this would be most of my report to zone mtg. If you want to copy and hand out Glenn and Len , if you want to extract stuff fo bulletins. From: "Michie, Dale" Date: February 7, 2017 at 10:18:46 AM PST To: "Allan, Dean" , Bob Lay , Cyril George , Danny Coyne , "Don Trethewey (E-mail)" , Earl Bloom , Elia Ganderski , "Elmer Fast (" , jim Ryan , "John Cartwright (E- mail)" , "john mccabe (" , Jon Pew , "Michie, Dale" , Norm Eady , Rick Stahl , "" , "Robert Otway (robert-" , "" , Terry Hudson , "Zunti, Barry" Subject: RE: Synopsis from the 2017 draft Integrated Fisheries Mgt. Plan (IFMP) FYI- forwarding on behalf of Sandy to the group… Cheers Dale Folks, I have to give a brief report to the Reg. 3 BCWF meeting and so have tried to condense this coming years DFO mgt plan into only those items that might be of interest to those of us in the interior. I probably missed some stuff or made a few minor mistakes but the IFMP is a 200 page document covering the whole coast. FRASER RIVER CHINOOK Spring / Summer 5-2 Chinook (Bridge, Clearwater, Thompson and main stem Fraser Region 3) Zoned management at Albion The Dept. will start in zone 1 closed to fishing until mid June when the final Albion test fishery run size estimates are made. A run size estimate of 45,000 is required to move into Zone 2, the 2012 brood year is estimated at ~20k very unlikely to reach 45k at Albion. If it remains in Zone 1 (Below 45k) , limited FSC fishing will occur during this period, the river will remain closed to salmon fishing until Aug. 22 when the S. Thompson 4-1 chinook enter the Thompson river and Spring /Summer 5-2 have migrated thru the area. ZONE 2. If more than 45,000 pass Albion ,zone 2 regs kick in. OPEN TO FISHING. Keep in mind that the average run size over 40 years has been under 30,000 This means the Thompson / Fraser mainstem will be opened to fishing July 16.-Aug. 21 at 4 fish per day/ none over 50 cm (Jacks) Bridge River would open June 18th - July 6th Sun thru Thursday at 1 fish per day Clearwater/ N Thompson would open Aug 1-21 at 1 per day South Thompson 4-1 Chinook Region 3: Fraser main stem will open August 22nd to Sept. 22nd at 4 per day/none over 50cm Thompson - Goldpan up stream to Kamloops will open Aug. 22 to Sept. 22nd - 4 per day, only 1 over 50 cm. ( Below Gold Pan- 4 per day, none over 50 cm) Kamloops Lake will open Aug. 22nd to Sept. 22 - 4 per day, 1 over 50cm South Thompson will open August 16th to Sept. 22 - 4 per day, 2 over 50cm. Monthly limit is 6 over 50cm. Kamloops FN's fishery (River Fresh Wild Salmon-RFWS) FN's will be allowed a gill net fishery for Chinook in Kamloops lake approx. Aug22-sept 22 with a quota set as a percentage of the commercial coast wide Chinook quota ( Area F licences) ,this percentage is calculated based on the number of licences obtained and transferred to RFWS to be fished in the interior. They will also have Pink commercial allocation so will be keeping pinks as by catch. Region 8: Lower Shuswap/Middle Shuswap/Mable Lake would open July 25th to Aug. 15th - 1 per day, must be over 77 cm and switch to 4 per day, only 2 over 50 cm from Aug. 16 to Sept. 12th. (Note: no planned closure for middle Shuswap and the additional Mable Lake closed area implemented the past few years will be removed as Middle Shuswap 2013 brood year estimated ~1500 chinook) Okanagan Sockeye - opportunities will be determined in season depending on passage thru Wells Dam. The 2017 Salmon outlook provides an outlook 2 status low for this year's return. Okanagan chinook, this is a small remnant run of around 50 fish that returns to the Okanagan river via the Columbia ..There is no fishery on this run. PINK SALMON This is the year of pink salmon abundance on the lower Georgia Strait ,Fraser, and Thompson rivers. The run is expected to be below the average run size of 13.4 million as the brood year(parent run) was about 1/2 the average. We should start the fishery with an ocean limit of 4 and the rivers starting at 2 but moving up to 4 if run size permits. The pink salmon catch quota is based on inseason run size. Run size of 7 million or lower ,the total allowable catch ( TAC) is 0-15 %, run size 7-20million ,the TAC WILL VARY FROM 15-70% The local pink fishery will start with a closure date of Sept 23th to protect returning Interior Fraser Coho (ifs) and may be extended depending on timing of pink run and IFC run INTERIOR FRASER COHO (IFC) Poor ocean survival so we will see stringent mgt. regulations and no fishery. Preliminary escapement estimates for IFC in 2016 was ~60,000, which is a replacement of the brood year escapement. Thanks Dale Michie Resource Manager Fisheries and Aquaculture Management Fraser and Interior 985 McGill Place Kamloops BC V2C 6x6 Office – 250 -851-4946 E-mail –